@NoraBrimstone < come on that's all you have to say to that?
@Mohammed < I would never consider any birth human / animal kind to be a proof of existence of a god. Do you know why you go to Namaaz, Fast during Ramadan & sacrifice a goat among other things, because it has been passed to you & your father from generations, the same you are going to teach your child about these things, and they would to theirs. This has nothing to do with proof of existence of a god, its just inheritance of knowledge passed down from older generations.
Similarly coming to the Elephant / any other animals, the same method have been passed on to them. Elephants never forgets remember? they know what their parents did to her to bring her to life how she helped the baby elephant stand on its feet, it the same thing the baby elephant would do when she (if its a female) gives birth.
These "techniques" haven't been thought to anyone by a God these are just things you learn after making mistakes e.g. never touch a hot plate
@Mohammed < I would never consider any birth human / animal kind to be a proof of existence of a god. Do you know why you go to Namaaz, Fast during Ramadan & sacrifice a goat among other things, because it has been passed to you & your father from generations, the same you are going to teach your child about these things, and they would to theirs. This has nothing to do with proof of existence of a god, its just inheritance of knowledge passed down from older generations.
Similarly coming to the Elephant / any other animals, the same method have been passed on to them. Elephants never forgets remember? they know what their parents did to her to bring her to life how she helped the baby elephant stand on its feet, it the same thing the baby elephant would do when she (if its a female) gives birth.
These "techniques" haven't been thought to anyone by a God these are just things you learn after making mistakes e.g. never touch a hot plate