(June 2, 2013 at 1:11 pm)Rationalman Wrote: Christians claim to get their morals from God and the bible. But they clearly pick and choose the good stuff from the bad in the bible. They like the part where jesus feeds the 5000 but overlook and ignore all the slavery, genocide, murders and rape. To choose as they do, from the bible, they would need an already existing and separate set of morals. Does this not prove that they don't get their morals from god?
I think I heard this argument somewhere on youtube but cannot remember who said it so I cannot give credit where it is due. Just wondered what Christians would say to this. And don't you dare say: God is so ingrained into society that we follow his morals without even knowing they are his morals. Because that is bullshit.
First - the morality in the bible is not XTIAN - it is Jewish. THE christ MYTH was a jew his entire life - and the messiah was to make the Jewish religion the ONLY religion and have all other people admit they were wrong about theirs.
Second - the bible Myths are clearly based on earlier religions - noting that most of the Old Testament had been established to be MYTH by archeologists.
AS far as getting morals from Xtianity - sorry - there were millions of people on earth BEFORE the Human creation of that nonsense - and many more billions since - who never heard the word CHRIST - but have still lived moral and ethical lives. THe idea that we get that from a religion that has NO history in the the times BCE - the OLD TEstament is the Jewish religion and THEY do not accept the christ - is nonsense.