(June 3, 2013 at 5:35 am)little_monkey Wrote: The purpose and meaning for your life is what you create for yourself. Unfortunately for you, you've decided to be a slave to a fictional character invented thousands of years ago.
Sad and pathetic.
Well...isn't that just your negative opinion? What proof do you have that I'm wrong? What are you using for tools? Hate? Is it what you are really feeling inside? Or is there no feelings inside, but a brain that is fallible, prone to error and change?
At least my opinion/message is a positive one, in a personal way (leaving out all the fictional caracters and such). One built on inner-most gut feelings and morals that are proven right through the ages. Not just a bunch of written words that can be manipulated any way one thinks!
I have a self-described agnostic friend who I saw this past week...We started talking about different news items and the abortionist monster Gosnell came up. I started telling him about the attrocities....to which he immediately stopped me! "I don't want to hear that shit." He then challenged me that these things didn't happen, and were made-up! I got a little testy, as he did also. I said, you would rather go through life denying this stuff happens rather than try to investigate? "What I don't know won't hurt me"...was his reply!
And this is my argument to Atheists. Unless you have really investigated life from a spiritual sense, how can you unequivocally say that God...or at the very least a Higher Source doesn't exist for us?
But, if you have no "spiritual sense", or soul what do you know? It's like someone coming back from a far away place with Good News about a better life: Some will want to go there for themselves. Some will not care about that message. And others will despise that person as a storyteller and liar.
I can respect the first 2....... Who would you respect?
Quis ut Deus?