(June 26, 2013 at 9:27 pm)Truth_finder23 Wrote: If there really was a god and he really is kind and forgiving, why would he put people on a tiny planet wizzing round a constant loop in a infinite universe and make us suffer the dread when another dies.He rightfully separated us from initial knowledge of His glory so we could make a heart felt decision, with out the influence of absolute knowledge of God or the absolute real fear of Hell making our choice for us.
If you feel dread hen someone dies then you simply do not know God. without selecting the knowledge of God for yourself one can only feel dread of death.
Quote: Also our mind and thoughts are in our brain so there can not be an afterlife as our brain decays along with the rest of the soft tissue in our body.how do you know that the 'brain' is not just the physical link between our souls and our bodies? in modern terms 'God' is simply a transdemensional being, He also promises eternal life in his realm for those who also believe. which would mean if we are not already we soon have the potential to be a transdemensional being as well. how do you know that when we die we simply don't just wake up from this world this "matrix?" (how do you know this life is not the dream? for is the bible is correct this llife is nothing more than the briefest of dreams.)
Also if god was real then surley he would have let so called early humans such as Adam and Eve about there vast universe to show there power. That brings me on to another point, females existed before males and the Y cromosome is a mutated X cromosome so that renderes the story of Adam and Eve a lie. Take that religion.
says who? the process in which we all start out as females ad ten the males are showered in testosterone causing the y to mutate to an x?
Is this process how the bible says Adam was formed? (Hint: nope, Adam was formed out of clay by the hand of God) are we made from clay in our mothers womb? ( Another hint:Noope again) So if the two process are completely different then why do you assume that Adam was created the same way we are?