The prohibition of pleasure in religions, is, as others have stated, a means of control. George Orwell covers it in 1984. Sex especially is prohibited because the institution wants to control your emotions, and is threatened by your ability to feel good either by yourself or with the help of a partner. Because I resent the establishment, I do my best to experience pleasure as much as it is reasonable to do so without harm to others. I also encourage people to express their thoughts about sex and sexuality freely, and encourage them to be sexually open around me. In doing this, I am deconverting them on a deeper level than mere atheism. I'm removing the taboos ingrained deeply in their minds.
Not that this always ends well. Often some transference happens and my (male) friends have sexual feelings for me, which I as a lesbian cannot reciprocate. I try to redirect their focus, but I do not always succeed. Sometimes these relationships can end ugly.
Not that this always ends well. Often some transference happens and my (male) friends have sexual feelings for me, which I as a lesbian cannot reciprocate. I try to redirect their focus, but I do not always succeed. Sometimes these relationships can end ugly.