RE: Scientific method proves order cannot exist w/o intelligence
January 11, 2010 at 12:50 pm
(This post was last modified: January 11, 2010 at 1:58 pm by chatpilot.)
Arguing from the bible or its so called divine authority is counter productive and at the same time invalid in this type of discussion, since in order to do so everyone would have to accept the bible as a divine source of revelation. As atheists I can say with much confidence that I speak for all atheists when I say that we don't accept the bible as the word of god or of divine inspiration. In my opinion any atheist who does is quite rare indeed. I have stated many times that one thing I have issue with is where does man get his idea or concept of god or gods per say? Gods were in my view created by man to explain what was once unknown to man in a pre-scientific age. There is plenty of evidence to support this in world mythologies that date back thousands of years ago. As knowledge grew those myths also had to be modified to try to keep up with mans ever expanding knowledge of the world and universe we inhabit.
Everything Christians claim to know about their god (characteristics, personality, his laws etc.) come from the bible. The bible is the foundation of all of Christianity and any Christian who disagrees with that is in my opinion not a Christian but something else. Christians or any theists for that matter cannot prove that god or gods exist because god only exists in the mind. What you claim to feel is highly subjective since feelings are subject to interpretation by the one feeling them based on what knowledge he associates with those feelings. Thus, feelings are invalid as well. There is no scientific way to prove the existence of god because science and faith are two systems of thought that are completely inconsistent with one another.
Everything Christians claim to know about their god (characteristics, personality, his laws etc.) come from the bible. The bible is the foundation of all of Christianity and any Christian who disagrees with that is in my opinion not a Christian but something else. Christians or any theists for that matter cannot prove that god or gods exist because god only exists in the mind. What you claim to feel is highly subjective since feelings are subject to interpretation by the one feeling them based on what knowledge he associates with those feelings. Thus, feelings are invalid as well. There is no scientific way to prove the existence of god because science and faith are two systems of thought that are completely inconsistent with one another.
There is nothing people will not maintain when they are slaves to superstition