(August 25, 2013 at 4:23 pm)CleanShavenJesus Wrote: I never disputed that. But "It's now wrong to discriminate against someone because of their skin colour," is a false statement because of the active racism that is still prevalent in society.
But it's kind of a crime of some kind these days? They're not even supposed to give up their seats for you on the bus these days. I don't think this is a passing fad or a fashion and we will go back to what we were doing before in 100 years. It's very much something Jesus himself would approve of.
Quote:Similar to your last point: yes, things have improved. But to say as a fact, "women are now equal to men"? Completely untrue.
More equal than they were before, though still with room for improvement, which I'm sure we will make given the divine light of guidance we are enjoying here. I think it's good to have a God that does something practically good not just hang about in the sky. He gets down here and gets his hands dirty, that's the guy right there.
Quote:I'm sorry, you cannot use the Bible as evidence for your point because I don't consider anything in the Bible to be true.
I'm just saying if were true (I think it is based on the evidence) then that could be why you're not noticing the significance of the events taking place and what lays at the heart of it.
Quote:Nothing you've presented as shown evidence of Christ as a cause of our supposed moral improvement.
There was an improvement, the improvement was within the last 2000 years, the improvement fits in with what Christ taught, the improvements occurred initially in the Christian world and other parts of the world had to keep pace. I suppose you may have to believe in God to begin with to see the connection.
Quote:Besides, I don't believe Jesus ever actually existed, and even if he did, I'm sure he was not the thing we read about in the Bible.
The first parts of the NT were written well within living memory of Jesus's life so he certainly existed. Heck even King Arthur probably existed and the first accounts of him were written hundreds of years after his death.
Quote:So if anything improved our morality, it was the image and/or idea of Christ, not Christ himself.
Well it's all true in one sense or other. I think it's true in the fully real sense myself. The universe exists for some reason it may as well be a reason that has some relevance than blind chance. If you want to look for the nature of God in human life you won't go wrong the God who actually became part of human life. That would be the best one right there.
Quote:But still, you have not provided anything to make me believe that it did.
More Biblical quotation.
"He said, ‘I ask you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father’s house; for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, so they won’t also come into this place of torment.’
"But Abraham said to him,
‘They have Moses and the prophets. Let them listen to them.’
"He said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’
"He said to him, ‘If they don’t listen to Moses and the prophets,
neither will they be persuaded if one rises from the dead.’
So there is basically nothing anyone could ever do or say to persuade you of the truth of the God/Christ/Holy Spirit. Or perhaps you can be persuaded it depends if you're the kind of person Jesus described or not. You could be gradually won over or slowly reeled into the full realization of Gods loving presence right here. Again not something out there in space ruling over us like a tyrant.
Come all ye faithful joyful and triumphant.