(January 12, 2010 at 9:59 am)rjh4 Wrote: I guess I have a different point of view on this.
God creates the universe and all that is in it and tells us (reveals to us) that He did it and provides enough specifics in history to determine approximately when this happened.
Man rejects what God says and determines that he can discover how the universe came to be without God's help.
Man comes up with an answer that contradicts what God says.
Man determines that he is correct and God is wrong.
Based on man's determination, man accuses God of dishonesty by deceiving us with His creation.
Isn't man brilliant...in his own mind?
Nice how you can put your own little spin on it. However, you assume that humans decided to go "fuck you, God, we'll find out own way." When in truth it's more along the lines of finding the evidence that overwhelmingly contradicts God and the Bible and then losing faith. That's how it happened with Darwin, and that's how it happens with many other people.
You characterize atheists as children who want to rebel against their parents, when in truth it's a matter of discovering the parents aren't really there.
"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." Benjamin Franklin
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