"I dont NOT believe evolution occoured. I just don't think it happened like we think it did.. And I am kinda still the enemy as my theory still provides a possiablity of God which is the reason evolution is use so definativly as a means to dismiss God/Christianity.
No one really cares about evolution unless they are trying to seperate themselves away from God, or bring people back to him. Evolution is just the battle ground."
Actually that is simply not true. Abiogenesis is the battleground for God or not. Evolution is, through the process of natural selection, the explanation for the variety of life on this planet. Its not a God thing (except that it contradicts a literal interpretation of Genesis). Any believer who is prepared to take Genesis as a story for simpler times doesn't have any problem with evolution.
Catholics, in the main, for example, don't appear to have a problem with evolution.
Your version, incorporating Genesis into the story line is clever in terms of evolution but still leaves a host of problems. You still appear to be stuck with creation in 7 days - one of which was to create, amongst other things, all the stars in the heavens. That's 10^23 stars give or take in the known universe - a far more complex task than the creation of the earth which took several days on its own.
No one really cares about evolution unless they are trying to seperate themselves away from God, or bring people back to him. Evolution is just the battle ground."
Actually that is simply not true. Abiogenesis is the battleground for God or not. Evolution is, through the process of natural selection, the explanation for the variety of life on this planet. Its not a God thing (except that it contradicts a literal interpretation of Genesis). Any believer who is prepared to take Genesis as a story for simpler times doesn't have any problem with evolution.
Catholics, in the main, for example, don't appear to have a problem with evolution.
Your version, incorporating Genesis into the story line is clever in terms of evolution but still leaves a host of problems. You still appear to be stuck with creation in 7 days - one of which was to create, amongst other things, all the stars in the heavens. That's 10^23 stars give or take in the known universe - a far more complex task than the creation of the earth which took several days on its own.