Let's see how can I begin? The first problem with your worldview is that you are basing everything you claim on a book written mostly by anonymous authors that dates back to at least 6 thousand years. The next problem is that the so called facts in this book have been proven false on many occasions when it comes to the various sciences. For instance such silly assertions that the sun stood still and that the Earth revolved around it. Archaeology has been unable to find physical evidence of the so called Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt or even their so called 400 hundred years of captivity in Egypt. The so called drowning of the Egyptian army in the Red Sea/Sea of reeds whichever interpretation you deem correct, we haven't found not even one chariot wheel in any of these locations. You would assume that there would be buried in these locations golden chariots, weapons, etc. so far we have found nothing, nada, zilch!
To bring this information closer to your beliefs we have not been able to find the tomb of Jesus, he is rarely mentioned by secular historians, the exact location of the crucifixion, in fact all the so called holy sites are symbolic. If we can't find any evidence to support the claims made throughout the bible, then what makes you think that the rest of it is correct and more importantly with so many errors, the word of god?
Most basic scientific assertions have been proven such as evolution by the process of natural selection, the movement of the planets around the sun, the certainty of the existence of gravity etc. etc. Sure scientist get it wrong from time to time but they are open to find other workable solutions. As opposed to theists who make claims that they themselves cannot substantiate.
To bring this information closer to your beliefs we have not been able to find the tomb of Jesus, he is rarely mentioned by secular historians, the exact location of the crucifixion, in fact all the so called holy sites are symbolic. If we can't find any evidence to support the claims made throughout the bible, then what makes you think that the rest of it is correct and more importantly with so many errors, the word of god?
Most basic scientific assertions have been proven such as evolution by the process of natural selection, the movement of the planets around the sun, the certainty of the existence of gravity etc. etc. Sure scientist get it wrong from time to time but they are open to find other workable solutions. As opposed to theists who make claims that they themselves cannot substantiate.
There is nothing people will not maintain when they are slaves to superstition