John, please try to make the connection, it isn't that hard.
It is fallacious to argue popularity and or tradition. The ancient Egyptians for 3,000 years pointed to the sun and prayed to it. You know that the sun is not a god, and don't have to think about that.
I am saying to you to take that logic, you use to rightfully dismiss the claim of the sun being a god, and look in the mirror. For the same reason you reject Vishnu or Allah. We simply go one deity claim further and reject all of them.
We know you believe in a God, WHAT we question is your logic and HOW you come to that conclusion. You make the exact same mistake all fans of gods make. You assume first then work backwards to make excuses to cling to that naked assertion.
It is fallacious to argue popularity and or tradition. The ancient Egyptians for 3,000 years pointed to the sun and prayed to it. You know that the sun is not a god, and don't have to think about that.
I am saying to you to take that logic, you use to rightfully dismiss the claim of the sun being a god, and look in the mirror. For the same reason you reject Vishnu or Allah. We simply go one deity claim further and reject all of them.
We know you believe in a God, WHAT we question is your logic and HOW you come to that conclusion. You make the exact same mistake all fans of gods make. You assume first then work backwards to make excuses to cling to that naked assertion.