(October 12, 2013 at 4:35 pm)HUMAN BRAIN Wrote: while watching a robot moving and responding to the surrounding events, we may ask …, with continuing development, can a robot , typically match a human someday ??, the answer is ' impossible' . We may manufacture a robot to make a 'decision or action' according to received 'signals' from the surrounding environment , or even to record data from 'previous' events, and use these data to make decisions… but , how can we let it make a decision according to what he 'likes' , or what he ' hates' ..??. in other words, to simulate this vague 'immaterial' 'sensing' being inside human body , which we call 'atman' , that 'feels' ??. So , whatever a developed 'robot' is , it will be no more than a simulation to our nervous system , which translates any effects from the surrounding around us ; sound, scene , touch ,…etc. , into electric signals , which , in turn are transported to us ; 'to our atman' , to feel . Even, the 'brain' ; this material organ , does not ' think ', but it is a complicated 'biologic computer' processor , which includes all types of data registers , memories, and logical gates,....etc. , Human 'atman' uses all these 'tools' to retrieve data, analyze , infer, and conclude ; in other words , to 'think' . Human body includes also systems for digestion , aspiration , blood circulation , motion , …. etc. , just to serve the nervous system , which is the (communicating media) between the 'material' world and the 'immaterial' human 'atman' . In other words , the human 'atman' wears the human body , which is just a (communicating suit) with the surrounding effects . But , with time , this suit is loosing the efficiency of its performance , until , at some date , it exhibits a complete failure, which we call 'death'. When happens , we have to leave this 'material suit' for land to be dissolved into another substances , according to the chemical and biological rules , in order to complete what is known as 'the circulation of substances'…., but what about the human 'atman' ?? , this still ' alive sensing ' miracle ??, after it left its 'communicating suit' , which was responsible for sensing ' only' the material world ….. how will be the new sensation in these new conditions ? .
One of the probable answers is that , it may receive signals and effects from a new world(s), which was screened from us by the low definite capabilities of our nervous system , which will no longer exist after death.....
Finally..., is it possible for this 'atman' , after death , to wear a new suit (body) , as happened first time....??
Your argument fails on the unsubstantiated claim of dualism.
Skepticism is not a position; it is an approach to claims.
Science is not a subject, but a method.
Science is not a subject, but a method.