I have been on a christian forum or 2 and there are a couple of questions I typically asked them, I'd like to bring them here and repeat that process. Mainly because it is interesting (I have gotten responses I genuinely did not expect, some I liked and thought were benign and others uplifting/hopeful. But I have also gotten some downright scary answers too).
So, without further ado.
In claiming something to be a miracle, is it necessary to know of all possible natural explanations for said event? If so, how can you ever claim it to be a miracle since you cannot possibly know of all possibilities? If not, how can you claim it to be a miracle? (miracle = suspension of the natural order)
If god commanded you to kill someone (for all intents and purposes let's assume we both agree that it is in fact god itself/himself/herself who did indeed tell you to do so), is following god's orders and killing them a moral action? Why or why not?
So, without further ado.
In claiming something to be a miracle, is it necessary to know of all possible natural explanations for said event? If so, how can you ever claim it to be a miracle since you cannot possibly know of all possibilities? If not, how can you claim it to be a miracle? (miracle = suspension of the natural order)
If god commanded you to kill someone (for all intents and purposes let's assume we both agree that it is in fact god itself/himself/herself who did indeed tell you to do so), is following god's orders and killing them a moral action? Why or why not?