Things I learned in church
November 3, 2013 at 12:51 am
(This post was last modified: November 3, 2013 at 1:18 am by T.J..)
Just thought I would share some quotes from Christians I have interacted with that still to this day stands out in my mind. Even theists that I have shared these with have done double takes at them so I'm really interested to see what you guys think about these.
So, thoughts? Comments? Have anyone heard similar lines before or have their own they would like to share? Floor's open.
Quote:Good people go to hell, saved people go to heaven.I was told this by the pastor of the baptist church I went to. It's interesting to me because usually they'll justify it by saying the people have done bad things, but he is actually bold enough to use the word good. But wait, there's more:
Quote:Satan doesn't torture people in hell, God does.I wish I was joking. This is usually where they blame Satan. Not this time. The idea that God tortures people for eternity for not believing in him isn't too much of a stretch if you researched the old testament. He isn't exactly shy about getting his hands dirty. But the idea that there are people who actually accepts it is kind of terrifying...
Quote:People will believe anything to avoid the truth.This speaks for itself.
Quote:Global Warming doesn't exist because there's no proof that it does.....
Quote:Harry Potter is bad, he breaks the rules and gets his friends in trouble and magic is bad. Also, wizards are fighting other wizards, a house divided against itself cannot stand.Paraphrasing since I can't remember the exact quote, but still. Huh? 1.) It's a work of fiction. 2.) Was there really a need to throw the bible quote in there?
Quote:Lesson: how to witness to cultsOkay, this sounds interesting. What do you got?
Quote:Cults: Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Muslims, Wiccansone man's cult is another man's religion.
Quote:People who believe in evolution are only throwing mud at the wall in the hopes that it sticks.If that's them winging it I DO NOT want to see them when they're using their brains.
So, thoughts? Comments? Have anyone heard similar lines before or have their own they would like to share? Floor's open.