(November 29, 2013 at 5:06 pm)Optimistic Mysanthrope Wrote: At no point have I claimed that medical science has "defeated" physical and mental diseases. I claimed that the number of hospital beds per capita has decreased, leading to an overcrowding of hospital beds.
Here's a report detailing the decrease in mortality rates per capita over the 20th century.
You want to be silly do you?
First you talk about infectious diseases only then you take what happen only in America.
That PER CAPITA remind me something very funny.
When they talk about whether a country is rich or not they say......the country per capita whealth is such and such.
According to these idiots every person in the country suppose to share this wealth when in reality probably 90% of the wealth is own by 2 or 3% of the people.
To really measure the wealth of a country it should be taken in consideration mainly the purchasing power not the per capita.
Something similar in a sense should be apply to medical health.
When we want to know the real situation we should take in consideration the GLOBAL situation not just America where many people can delay the inevitable by chemotherapie, insulin or other means.
By the way malaria which is the N. 1 killer globaly speaking has no cure and so dementia, Parkinson, Alzaheimer and diabetes just to mention the few so where this great medical science is?