Quote:You might not like what the Bible reveals to us, but it really doesn't matter, you can't change what happened nor why it happened. You are like so many others in today's Christianity you want to worship a god you can make up, not the One who reveals Himself to the world through scripture and His life as a human being. You blind yourself to His goodness and true nature through your idea of who He should be according to you, you worship the wrong God when you do such a thing.
Its an interesting question.
If God is who he reveals to us through scripture, in the old testament at least, its hard not to be "blind to his goodness". Not least because he comes across as a trigger happy, vindictive and capricious deity, who punishes the innocent right along with the guilty and turns a blind eye to staggeringly immoral acts on one hand whilst coming down like a ton of bricks on some others, seemingly at random. Ask King Davids wives. They got raped, in public mind you, at Gods command... because HE, David, had gotten his end away with another mans wife then sent him away to be killed. That makes no fucking sense whatsoever. How is that Good?!
You are however correct in one particular. There are many areas of the OT where I can see no "goodness". I'm not going to CALL it good, just because men say God told them to do it. And since I believe that God IS good, that leaves me with simple and entirely plausible conclusion that God has been rather widely misreported.
Godschild, we agree that there are many people today who use God to their own ends, to gull people out of money and to justify their behaviors. They CLAIM God is speaking to them, but he's not. If you can believe that men are doing that today, why can you not believe that they may have been doing it way back in the day?
"Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken."
Sith code
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken."
Sith code