(December 11, 2013 at 6:08 am)Esquilax Wrote:(December 11, 2013 at 5:49 am)GodsRevolt Wrote: Alright, how about this:
In the global scheme of things, should people of different religious ideologies (or lack thereof) continue to spread such disgust and animosity, such as that exampled in the posted video, for those of differing ideologies (or lack thereof) with the understanding that all those in participation are human beings?
You're misunderstanding: harmful beliefs should be reviled. This isn't a matter of "oh, you believe differently to me, therefore I shall propagate hatred of you." There's genuine, demonstrable harm in the actions of your church, of a lot of churches, and no justifiable benefit to make such a cost remotely worthwhile; an organization like the catholic church, for example, that provides nothing of worth that couldn't be accomplished without it, and causes harm- not just to altar boys, either- should be reviled.
I see this a lot. You have completely disregarded every charitable act that the Church does (most likely because it does not get the same amount of news time). Maybe you can name me an atheist organization that has organized homeless shelters and hospitals across the nation, along with the world. The stance you take is a stance of convenience.
As for the harm that the Church does, is has to be understood that the Church does not promote harm. It promotes people becoming more humble, truthful, courageous. If I met an atheist who was greedy, selfish liar, could I assume that you were a greedy, selfish liar?
The claim that the video makes is that religion, or believing in fairy tales, is the root of almost everything wrong with this country.
Religion created and promotes unchecked capitalism? No.
Religion tells politicians to lie and carry out wars? No.
This is a scapegoat tactic that comes from disgust aimed at a particular group of people, like Nazism going after the Jews or the KKK going after blacks. Everything is "their" fault. It has nothing to do with individuals making decisions based on their own self-involved interests.
I will admit that there have been people that twist religion around to justify their dirty ends, but this happens with anything that is looked to as an authority. Science has been twisted around to prove that global warming is false and fossil fuels are the best option. Look at the medical industry - science gets twisted around there to make a buck on medicine people don't actually need that is actually BAD for them! Is this the fault of science? Should I demonize science for creating an industry that causes such harm as leaky anuses? NO.
Or the food industry - here is a group that actually studies how to make you eat more based on behaviors that you are only half aware of. There is so much salt and corn in our food right now strictly based on the scientific facts that human taste buds enjoy salt and the scientific process that turns corn into a cheap form of sugar just so that we eat more and more of the product. This came form science. Should I demonize social science and chemistry because of this? NO.
The fault lies directly in the hands of people who have misused it.
This video promotes hatred of other human beings, pure and simple. Walking around calling another group of people a bunch of "fucking morons" and then blaming the worlds woes on them is not a new tactic, but it is one that history has shown us will always be vilified, whether its a Christian or an atheist that is doing it.
". . . let the atheists themselves choose a god. They will find only one divinity who ever uttered their isolation; only one religion in which God seemed for an instant to be an atheist." -G. K. Chesterton