Godschild Wrote:It's not meant to scare anyone, those who use it that way are not being honest about God and His love for man.
SB Wrote:That is how it is always used. A threat, if you don't believe you go to hell;if you don't do this you go to hell... It is gods word that if you don't do what he says you go to hell. That's not love..
No it's not, love, peace, kindness, service and many other things are taught by scripture and in many churches. The scripture says a person goes to hell because of the sins that person commits, it also says that a person can find forgiveness of sin through Christ and the love He showed in His life death and resurrection.
GC Wrote:Now I'm going to ask you to prove to me your statements that the Bible has been mistranslated and revised.People are not trying to translate the Bible into what they want people to see, you've been feed a bunch of bull about mistranslated scripture, there are to many eyes on the old manuscripts to misrepresent them.
SB Wrote:(To the bold)Do you know the difference between almah and bethulah (Hebrew words)?
Why wouldn't this god just make it so people could all understand, instead of sending innocent people to eternal hell?
(to the italicized) "I do not hold to all the denomination believes". Seem you have translated things to what you want people to see. You are not following 100%.
Not off the top of my head, though I can pick up a Hebrew or Greek to English dictionary and easily find the meanings. I rely on the professionals to do their jobs correctly and translate the words properly and give me footnotes if there's a doubt about the translation. I do look up many words in the Hebrew and Greek to find out if the words are used correctly if I believe that there's a problem with a translation or if I need to show someone what the actual Hebrew or Greek means, sometimes the meanings lose something in translation.
The Bible was written thousands of years ago to a people of a different time a different place and a different culture. God has made it very simple and it's been explained very simply, God's plan is for all the simple minded to the extremely intelligent. Read John 3:16 and tell me what seems to be so complicated. This verse is the essence of God's plan.
So you're telling me you are an expert on the translation of scripture from the Hebrew and Greek, then why do you find the scriptures so difficult. How is it you are an expert on the denominations and how each sees the scriptures. As far as I know most believe that John 3:16 is essential to what they believe and after that it's mostly how each see we should live out our Christian lives.
GC Wrote:
SB Wrote:I think I know the verse you are referring to. I think your over estimating it. It implies to be talking of fog/mist, not evaporation.
So which "translation" of the bible you read?
They had no word for evaporation then, no they did not know the science behind evaporation and condensation, what they knew through observation was the oceans were responsible for cloud formation and the rain that fell, science later proved them correct.
I use the NASB, the ESV, the NLT and the NIV along with many study aids.
GC Wrote:Yes, this world can seem like hell at times, why, again the reason is sin. God has allowed mankind to suffer through this world's bad things because we are responsible for the world's condition, not God. Sins of the past, sins now and sins of the future are all committed by mankind and is why we have this world full of terrible things. So why shouldn't we have to live with what we've made.
SB Wrote:So animals must bare our sins too...
Yes and the fault lies with us, what a shameful thing we do.
GC Wrote:Everything was perfect until Adam and Eve sinned after that so to speak, the world became man's creation or in this case a wreck.
You ask how God's going to make things right, well He already has, through Jesus Christ things are made right, we become part of the kingdom of God at least those who accept Him. Does that change thing here, no we still have the same old world to live in, but now we have God's help to get through the day. In the end there will be eternal life in paradise for those of us who have chosen Christ over the world.
SB Wrote:God made the mistake of Adam and Ave. Then allows them to pass their sin, from gods mistake, to the rest of mankind. So then after all these generation .... People dieing, and going where? hell? God decides to have his "son" help us from sin. Fails, but is still our savor because now we have the chance to go to heaven?
God has never made a mistake, that would be something impossible for an omniscient being. You and I are responsible for our own sin, it can't be passed off to another. If God had not allowed Adam and Eve the free will to choose, then what kind of God would He be, you've expressed your desire not to be controlled by Him, do you think they would have felt differently. If they did, they sure didn't show it through their actions, they chose to disobey God ie. to be sinful. I'm not sure what you're trying to say with the rest of your statement above. I'll try and give an answer though. Who says all people were going to hell before Christ and exactly what have you got against Christ being our substitute for our sin so we can go to heaven.
GC Wrote:God doesn't have a child to suffer, the suffering comes because life happens, God will be there to help us through the bad parts of life and there to keep us on a even keel when things are going exceptionally well for us. God is our friend and helper, that is if one accepts Him in a relationship as such.
SB Wrote: Helper that doesn't help the kid suffering to death?
How is it you assume the suffering child is not being helped by God, have you ever asked suffering children if God is helping them? Let's look at it through God's eyes, this child who suffers from cancer from no fault of it's own nor God's fault, dies! God knowing the future if the child had not die, the future could be a destitute drug addict living on the streets being abused through rape and prostitution just to stay alive, eating from garbage cans and dumpsters, freezing at night and sweating through the day, bathing only a few times a year. Then AIDS either from rape, prostitution or drug use and possibly a death worse than the one that might have happened as a child. If God allows the death as a child the child not being held responsible for it's sin would be with God in eternity. If God had stopped the suffering and healed the child, allowed it's choices to lead it through the described life and then to a miserable death and then an eternal punishment for it's years of sin. Could be God loved the child enough to allow some suffering to prevent a future that would be nothing but hell, both here and after death.
God loves those who believe and those who do not and the same goes for me, you have no choice in this matter. That puts the matter of total free will to rest.