I always find the pro and anti gun arguments hilarious. Everyone is so busy calling each other assholes that they don't realise they're all assholes. At least we can all be assholes together I guess.
Unless you get shot then you're a dead asshole. Or perhaps you're the asshole who shot the first asshole because that asshole tried to shoot you in you're asshole, lucky those other assholes didn't take away you're gun, otherwise you would be the dead asshole. On the other hand you're fortunate those assholes helped pass that law that prevented that asshole getting a bigger gun otherwise you would have 5 more assholes and be the dead asshole.
Problem is that crazy 3rd asshole who's a bit unhinged and wants to be the ultimate asshole and kill some other assholes. I mean guns are pretty good at killing people, but poor old farmer McAsshole needs his gun for to scare off that thing that ate half his sheep! And what about Dr A. S. Hole, he's got his grandassholes collection of antique weapons! Little Johnny Asshole only wants to go target shooting with his asshole dad but asshole #3 might be naughty so fuck you little Johnny Asshole don't you know asshole #3 is going kill little Tommy Assholington because you went shooting targets?! Should have just bought an air rifle kid..
Asshole #3 is always going to want to be the ultimate asshole. Guns are a great choice if you want to be that guy. If you want to take that option away you're being an asshole who might save some people from asshole #3 but unfortunately lose a few asshole #2's that can't protect themselves from asshole #1. But you also screwed a ton of harmless assholes who enjoy using, collecting or just feel safer because of their guns. (feel doesn't mean it's true but which asshole are you to fuck with that assholes peace of mind?) Then again what kind of asshole thinks having guns around is okay when asshole #3 seems to reliably turn up with one of those guns and shoots a bunch of innocent assholes.
So now we're at the crossroads between North, East, South and West Assholia. No matter where you go you're being a total Assholian. Want to take away people's freedom and sense of security? You're an asshole. Want to keep the freedom and sense of security in spite of the costs? You're an asshole. It's just down to what kind of asshole you are.
Anyway, I'm the worst asshole that isn't too fussed either way. This was only going to be a 1 line post but clearly I got carried away (it's now 4:45am). This is mostly for the lols so don't be the asshole who takes this seriously. Just recognise we're all assholes and that being an asshole is okay so long as you admit it.
Unless you get shot then you're a dead asshole. Or perhaps you're the asshole who shot the first asshole because that asshole tried to shoot you in you're asshole, lucky those other assholes didn't take away you're gun, otherwise you would be the dead asshole. On the other hand you're fortunate those assholes helped pass that law that prevented that asshole getting a bigger gun otherwise you would have 5 more assholes and be the dead asshole.
Problem is that crazy 3rd asshole who's a bit unhinged and wants to be the ultimate asshole and kill some other assholes. I mean guns are pretty good at killing people, but poor old farmer McAsshole needs his gun for to scare off that thing that ate half his sheep! And what about Dr A. S. Hole, he's got his grandassholes collection of antique weapons! Little Johnny Asshole only wants to go target shooting with his asshole dad but asshole #3 might be naughty so fuck you little Johnny Asshole don't you know asshole #3 is going kill little Tommy Assholington because you went shooting targets?! Should have just bought an air rifle kid..
Asshole #3 is always going to want to be the ultimate asshole. Guns are a great choice if you want to be that guy. If you want to take that option away you're being an asshole who might save some people from asshole #3 but unfortunately lose a few asshole #2's that can't protect themselves from asshole #1. But you also screwed a ton of harmless assholes who enjoy using, collecting or just feel safer because of their guns. (feel doesn't mean it's true but which asshole are you to fuck with that assholes peace of mind?) Then again what kind of asshole thinks having guns around is okay when asshole #3 seems to reliably turn up with one of those guns and shoots a bunch of innocent assholes.
So now we're at the crossroads between North, East, South and West Assholia. No matter where you go you're being a total Assholian. Want to take away people's freedom and sense of security? You're an asshole. Want to keep the freedom and sense of security in spite of the costs? You're an asshole. It's just down to what kind of asshole you are.
Anyway, I'm the worst asshole that isn't too fussed either way. This was only going to be a 1 line post but clearly I got carried away (it's now 4:45am). This is mostly for the lols so don't be the asshole who takes this seriously. Just recognise we're all assholes and that being an asshole is okay so long as you admit it.