I see little difference between the claims of Islam, Christianity, Mormonism or Scientology.
All bare, unsupported (-able) fantastic, utterly ridiculous assertions.
As for the danger -- Scientologists comprise a tiny, tiny fraction of the religious population. At this point in history, Islam is a far greater threat to humanity.
Nonetheless, there is no doubt Scientology is an evil, fucked up organization and like many religions before it, will stop at virtually nothing to ensure its survival. Cue destruction of the pagans by Christians, centuries of Jewish persecution at the hands of Christians, the Hindu Kush, the Muslim expansion and both ancient and modern Islamic apostasy and blasphemy edicts.
On the flip side, I get no end of grist for my humor mill from Scientology. One of my wireless networks is named is Xenu. Visitors using my wifi scratch their heads if unaware of the Scientology mythology. I've told my kids to get me a black t-shirt with "Xenu" on it in white letters. So far, I remain Xenu-shirtless.
All bare, unsupported (-able) fantastic, utterly ridiculous assertions.
As for the danger -- Scientologists comprise a tiny, tiny fraction of the religious population. At this point in history, Islam is a far greater threat to humanity.
Nonetheless, there is no doubt Scientology is an evil, fucked up organization and like many religions before it, will stop at virtually nothing to ensure its survival. Cue destruction of the pagans by Christians, centuries of Jewish persecution at the hands of Christians, the Hindu Kush, the Muslim expansion and both ancient and modern Islamic apostasy and blasphemy edicts.
On the flip side, I get no end of grist for my humor mill from Scientology. One of my wireless networks is named is Xenu. Visitors using my wifi scratch their heads if unaware of the Scientology mythology. I've told my kids to get me a black t-shirt with "Xenu" on it in white letters. So far, I remain Xenu-shirtless.