Abiogenesis is impossible
February 17, 2014 at 6:53 pm
(This post was last modified: February 17, 2014 at 6:59 pm by Rampant.A.I..)
(February 17, 2014 at 6:19 pm)Sword of Christ Wrote:(February 17, 2014 at 4:37 pm)Bad Wolf Wrote: Tell me, what would be the main piece of evidence that convinces you that god exists?
Freewill and moral arguments are what I would find to be one of the main points as I believe there will have to be source for that and you won't get this from natural physics and biology. Other arguments include the teleological argument which I find to be compelling as well, particularly if you realize that the universe is one great mathematical framework of precise balance. The cosmos itself and everything within it seems to wok together as a complete whole in bringing about the eventual fruition of life and intelligence so that's a strong point there. The message of the Bible particularly NT but also the OT if you look is essentially a God of the oppressed and poor which I believe to be on firm moral ground there, a lot of emphasis good works and charity and so forth. Christianity seems to be the religion with the fewest man made religious laws and customs and so forth which to my mind makes it the most legit of the claimed revelations. Jesus to me seems like a perfectly good embodiment of God and the good I see as being within humanity as a whole regardless of class, nationality and race.
Also I believe there is a subjective relational element regarding humanity and God that I experience and is possible for all humans to experience. A few other points include the reverence of the natural world as a creation of God rather than an evil illusion of the maya or whatever it is they tend to believe in the Eastern religions. You have physical scientifically understandable rational universe and a transcendent God beyond it who created and sustains it and his creatures. There's a lot of other stuff as well but these would cover the the core of it.
So I have all these reasons to believe in God in the Christian sense which as you can see outweigh your reasoning for atheism which states you have to scientifically prove something as a fact before you can believe it. We can be clear that you can't scientifically prove God as it has to be a faith based, there's nothing you can do about that. But as long as all the rational reasons, evidence and arguments are there then it's a reasoned faith which ought to overpower the skeptical position unless you're really seriously dead-set against it. At which point it may as well be a faith but one without much of a foundation. You say "I don't think that's true imo" and then that's kind of it.
I don't understand how every post can be this long, and contain nothing but circular drivel, ending with "as you can clearly see, that about wraps it up".
Do you understand what an argument is, what constitutes evidence, or do you simply write until you are satisfied no one will notice they contain neither?
*incoherent rambling*
Bald assertion
*incoherent rambling*
Bald assertion
*incoherent rambling*
This is not a valid argument format.
* Show it necessary for a supreme being to exist to have free will.
* Show that Christianity "has the fewest man-made religious laws"
* Show the "reverence of the natural world" is not characteristic of Eastern religions, and requires a creator.
* Show a reason for belief in God that outweighs Atheism, other than your own self-satisfied beliefs.
Why join a forum if all you're going to do is talk into a mirror and proclaim yourself victorious?