(March 3, 2014 at 2:48 pm)rexbeccarox Wrote: I worked at my mom's church as the secretary for awhile. It was all politics. Don't talk to Mrs. Smith about Financial Committee business. Don't talk to Mr. Howard about the Fellowship Committee because Mrs. Smith can't get any information about the Financial Committee.
I swear "Mrs. Smith" would sit in her massive Cadillac across the street from the church waiting for "Mr. Howard" to pull away so she could rush in to talk to the pastor about whatever injustices she was dealing with that day; "Mr. Howard" would pull out of the church parking lot, and into the exact spot "Mrs. Smith" was just lurking in, and when she pulled away, he'd rush right back over to drill the pastor about whatever conversation took place.
It was like a fucked-up game of tag with geriatrics.
This is where the standard atheist reply should be to note how the church offers refuge to those who never want to grow up. The only thing stopping me it the realization that it requires no degree of maturity to leave the church and neither will leaving the church ensure a prompt growth spurt in maturity.