He also hasa tendency to make certain claims on the basis of physics in a way that he knows comes off as misleading. Saying that science shows that "the universe came from nothing", by which he means it might have come about via a quantum fluctuation of vacuum energy, is very misleading, and he continues to do so. I kind of like him when he doesn't do that or doesn't shit on philosophy for not being science.
I think my favorite physicist is Sean Carroll. Knows his physics and his philosophy, and his knowledge of and adeptness in explaining cosmology to rebutt certain theological claims is really without compare. He's one of the 3 or 4 people I would say definitely beat William Lane Craig in a debate, just a few weeks ago. Watch it if you haven't, it was glorious. :p
I think my favorite physicist is Sean Carroll. Knows his physics and his philosophy, and his knowledge of and adeptness in explaining cosmology to rebutt certain theological claims is really without compare. He's one of the 3 or 4 people I would say definitely beat William Lane Craig in a debate, just a few weeks ago. Watch it if you haven't, it was glorious. :p