Easiest way not to get fat? Eat what you want, eat it slowly and enjoy every mouthful, then stop eating as soon as you're full. That's eat. Eat pizza, chips, burgers, curries, cakes, cookies, Chinese food, whatever you want. Just stop when full. Simple as that.
Except it's not really as simple as it sounds when we're all brainwashed when it comes to food. Adverts for unhealthy foods all over the place, more adverts for diets which shame you for even looking at the other adverts. Then you might have been shamed into clearing your plate at meal times by parents who wouldn't let you leave the table until you'd finished your dinner, or told you you were somehow disrespecting starving children in Africa by not eating all your food. As a result of all this people can easily develop a tendency to eat past the point when they are full. Especially when it's something unhealthy and your obsession with good food vs bad food causes you to binge and possibly eat a whole pizza when you were actually full after the first slice. A bulemic person would purge after such a binge, but others will just sit there feeling guilty and wonder why they did it, or even come up with excuses for it.
Except it's not really as simple as it sounds when we're all brainwashed when it comes to food. Adverts for unhealthy foods all over the place, more adverts for diets which shame you for even looking at the other adverts. Then you might have been shamed into clearing your plate at meal times by parents who wouldn't let you leave the table until you'd finished your dinner, or told you you were somehow disrespecting starving children in Africa by not eating all your food. As a result of all this people can easily develop a tendency to eat past the point when they are full. Especially when it's something unhealthy and your obsession with good food vs bad food causes you to binge and possibly eat a whole pizza when you were actually full after the first slice. A bulemic person would purge after such a binge, but others will just sit there feeling guilty and wonder why they did it, or even come up with excuses for it.