(April 10, 2014 at 8:34 am)fr0d0 Wrote: There cannot logically be empirical (transferable/ verifiable externally/ independently verifiable) evidence of the supernatural.
This is simple, logically bomb proof fact.
This is true, although, in the context of whether or not we can judge God's actions, I think we can look at two cases:
1) God exists: So, God is real, we can't prove he is real, he does things we can't comprehend, and we can't judge him for it. It's basically the case you're making.
2) God doesn't exist (at least, this version doesn't exist): God is not real and is the product of a culture vastly different than ours. They condone things that we find immoral.
I'm not going to invoke Occam's Razor to "prove" number two is correct, but working from stance number two, we judge that culture as having really twisted morals (regardless of being products of their culture) and thus, the god they create has twisted morals, too.
I understand it's logically possible for there to exist someone smarter than us that would be difficult or impossible for us to judge, but the best apologetics on the matter always come off as "I know it looks bad, but it's not, and I can't explain why".