What is it with these fucking republicunts and their damned oaths?
Assholes are oath-crazed.
Don't the schools have enough trouble without these morons always sticking their noses in?
Assholes are oath-crazed.
Quote:NASHVILLE (AP) - The recitation of a little-known "Salute to the Flag of Tennessee" in the state Senate is often met with confusion with visitors to the upper chamber of the General Assembly.
Now, lawmakers want to have schoolchildren follow suit.
The Senate voted 32-0 on Tuesday to urge schools to have students recite the salute that reads: "Three white stars on a field of blue / God keep them strong and ever true / It is with pride and love that we / Salute the Flag of Tennessee."
Don't the schools have enough trouble without these morons always sticking their noses in?