(April 16, 2014 at 7:30 pm)Brakeman Wrote: Most theists that I've known and I think most of the theists on this board believe that God gives their lives meaning.
I usually just laugh inside, knowing that it is simply self delusion, but I just saw this cute cartoon and it struck me that if we are simply god's pets and our purpose is simply to praise him for all eternity, then it's not reassuring to have such a purpose, it's degrading. Check out this cartoon and see if you agree.
And whats wrong with purpose and meaning?
And what is "self delusion"? Telling yourself that there is no God? Isn't it better (for you) to err on the side of the majority consensus, than the alternative? Sort of like [not] bringing a water bottle with you on a long wilderness trek because you don't "think" you'll need it? You may not, but what if you do? That makes me "laugh inside"!
And another thing that makes me laugh.... "god's pets"? "our purpose is to praise him for all eternity"?
You show your lack of imagination, and sheer brain power in that statement! You are totally void of anything that even resembles spirituality.
As most here, you just throw crap at the wall to see what will stick. But all you end up with is a room with brown strips, and piles on the floor.
If God doesn't exist...go on your way! Why do all of you anti's need to keep reinforcing your disbelief amongst one another? Its totally baffling to me!
You say we have an "imaginary friend"? Well "He's" the reason you are here! And continue to come here! He gives you "purpose and meaning" in your lives too!
Quis ut Deus?