(April 16, 2014 at 8:03 pm)CapnAwesome Wrote: There is no meaning to life. Some people find this to be a disheartening and depressing idea. They've spent eons to try to make up a myriad purposes to fill the nihilistic void. The worst thing however is they don't just attempt to fill that void for themselves but for everyone else as well. No matter what you choose to do with your life I can think of nothing worse than living your life for someone else's purpose. Even worse is for people long dead who never cared for you and worse than that is for an imaginary idea.
Not for me however. For me the fact that there is no meaning to life is an empowering idea. It means I can use my life, the most precious thing in the universe, to do whatever I want. Rather than being depressed, I rejoice that I have this opportunity to live my life how I want to not how someone else wants me to and certainly not to satisfy the whims of long dead rabbis and priests who worship something that doesn't exist. My life is for me alone.
The Christian purpose in life will never be fully understood ,until it no longer exists on planet earth.
Remove Christianity from off the earth and you will remove all that is sacred ,ethical , and of reason.
All that is of light and beauty would vanish ;all compassion ,culture and the arts would disappear.
Slowly mankind would revert back to a primitive existence as lived in the primal past and eventually man would return back to his life as bestial vegetation . Soon all life would disappear and the earth would once again mindlessly orbit the sun ,devoid of meaning or purpose.
that's the real meaning of Christianity, whether you understand it or not,it won't change anything.