When will people read the damn fairy tale? It plainly states that the Garden of Eden naked Adam & Eve ran around in with the talking snake was just down the road from Cush and Assyria. Then after the flood Nimrod waltzes into Assyria and builds several cities. There was no flood of wet liquid water. It was a flood of Assyrian troops sweeping over the land killing, raping, pillaging, and being bad asses. The story is told as a flood of water because fiction makes better stories than truth does and it's easier to remember.
The bottom line: There was no goddamn flood of water that ever covered the tallest mountain in the world. It's embarrassing that 21st Century American adults believe in such shit.
The bottom line: There was no goddamn flood of water that ever covered the tallest mountain in the world. It's embarrassing that 21st Century American adults believe in such shit.