RE: A discussion around family table.
May 13, 2010 at 9:23 am
(This post was last modified: May 13, 2010 at 9:24 am by tackattack.)
The walls of text are getting moreand more difficult. But since you prefer threads to PM I'll reitterate here.
I don't think God need thanks praise or worship. The Bible, IMO is written by men for men about God and inspired by their devotion to God. It gives us instructions on how to better serve God's plan while here on Earth. I think that praise and thankfullness is a natural human response from one receiving (us). It's not a requirement from the one giving, although in human terms it is usually expeted, I don't feel God epects it. You're attributing a human dynamic to God and I don't htink it fits.
The Abrahamic God is depicted in the OT as a dictator. I won't counter each of your points. I'm aware that the NT holds up the abrahamic laws. It also teaches us to temper them with intuition and reason. It teaches us also to not be so closed-minded (and hearted) as to assume we are the autority on what box God fitsin, because he doesn't. I also ascent that people have suffered in the past for their beliefs.
No I was talking about hellfire and brimstone churches you've experienced. To claim that all of Christianity uses the threat of hell to sway believers is fallicious and not reperesentative of the current movement, IMO.
addressed above
addressed above. I believe it is voulentary and a reactionary thing. on our part.
I typically hate some fundie sites.. this on'es not bad and gives you a good idea on my feelings about God's love link
?? I thought I was pretty clear. People choose different forms of self abuse daily. Anything from killing your body slowly with drugs, piercing oneself, staying in mentally or physically abusive relationships... it happens all of the time. No I'm not saying hell is real. I believe, right now, there is no hell. If it comes after the judgement day, it'll be whatever would be personally hell to each of us, seperate from God's love to save us from the torture. I'm not scared of hell, nor do I look forward to heaven, I'll have eternity for that. I'm living now, and the now is what matters to me today.
yes.. as above
It's not about credibility or consideration. It's about what tools we use to strengthen our spiritual selves. As a Christian I use the Bible. If the Bible never existed (including the other abrahamic documents) I would probably use some form of religious naturalism.But it would still be a tool to hone what I feel intuitively is true.
I've read it several times actually, along with several versions, and various other belief's holy books. I just see it differently than you.
If you could show me that I'd be appreciative. If not .. see above
I take it as some different people's erspecives on what they see as truth, and their observations of some events that happened with their own interpretations. I do not think (in fact I believe they had less) those who wrote the bible at the time had more knowledge than I of God, aside from a few exceptions.
I've heard that theory as well and it's quite possible. I don't follow Jesus for his miracles, but for his understanding and closeness with God. No that's not what I meant about the nature thing. I see God's handiwork in every thought, deed, and observance around me. It's not the perfection of the machine that proves the creator, it's the imperfectons that reveal the necessity for God.
which was written by men for men's gain.
Why would he punish? You're seeing it differently then me. I don't see it as punishing those that don't follow. Let me use an example. You're working the door for a club. Then the owner says, a terrible storms coming let anyone in who wants to come in. Some people tried to get in and were asked to form an orderly line and wipe their feet. Some people refused to to that, and stayed outside. Some didn't care about getting in the club at all. The fact that the tornado kills every1 outside the club. The owner of course wants to save everyone, but not everyone wants to be saved. I hope the analogy better represents my position.
And if your job was the only job in town, they'd be willfully choosing not to work at all. Hell would be not having a job i your scenario. I disagre with the analogy because of the qualifications portion.
God does have intent. His intent as our creator, is to see us evolve to a point where we chose right over wrong consistently (As would any father for his children). I don't think God wants his creations to destroy each other in wars, etc. unwavering + human rules = unjust typically, I agree. That was the whole purpose behind Jesus' visit and reinterpretation of those rules. I will just respectfully disagree with you that man's rules are more just than God's. A topic for another time I guess.
Yes but I was talking about the authorof the book not the book used. Maybe 1 in 70 Christians I've spoken with would say that the Bible was written by God.
I don't gloss over anything intentionally. I always try to address every question. Hell is sent toa place when yoou've commited the ultimate wrong, denying the truth of God and his will. You may view that as nothing, but let me ask you this. If you knew for certain that God existed, would you still live you're life your way?
Firstly I don't trust in oneselves has any bearing on my acceptance of Christianity. Secondly, I trust myself and my judements more than most people I know. I have a rational, logical and structured approach to every endeavor. I constantly validate the truth of things not considered axiaoms of life, not for doubt, but verification.I have no problems being myself in any crowd (at all times) and distain two-facedness.
I don't try and get away with anything. You sure do have a lot of presuppositions and biases towards me. Maybe you should drop those in our next talk so we can just talk. It comes off as quite spiteful in some of your posts. Anyways absense of God. Hell, according to the bible, will be created for Satan and his minions. It's like God built a house for his nephew. He can visit, but he'd probably rather stay home.
You may consider me whatever makes you happiest. I'll tell you that I myself consider myself a Non-denominational Christian with the Church of God Anderson, Indiana movement. The things I've discussed with you are the same subjects I teach to my kids (both in sunday school and my own kids). My congreration wouldn't allow me to teach it if they didn't agree with it as well.
I don't think God need thanks praise or worship. The Bible, IMO is written by men for men about God and inspired by their devotion to God. It gives us instructions on how to better serve God's plan while here on Earth. I think that praise and thankfullness is a natural human response from one receiving (us). It's not a requirement from the one giving, although in human terms it is usually expeted, I don't feel God epects it. You're attributing a human dynamic to God and I don't htink it fits.
The Abrahamic God is depicted in the OT as a dictator. I won't counter each of your points. I'm aware that the NT holds up the abrahamic laws. It also teaches us to temper them with intuition and reason. It teaches us also to not be so closed-minded (and hearted) as to assume we are the autority on what box God fitsin, because he doesn't. I also ascent that people have suffered in the past for their beliefs.
No I was talking about hellfire and brimstone churches you've experienced. To claim that all of Christianity uses the threat of hell to sway believers is fallicious and not reperesentative of the current movement, IMO.
I typically hate some fundie sites.. this on'es not bad and gives you a good idea on my feelings about God's love link
?? I thought I was pretty clear. People choose different forms of self abuse daily. Anything from killing your body slowly with drugs, piercing oneself, staying in mentally or physically abusive relationships... it happens all of the time. No I'm not saying hell is real. I believe, right now, there is no hell. If it comes after the judgement day, it'll be whatever would be personally hell to each of us, seperate from God's love to save us from the torture. I'm not scared of hell, nor do I look forward to heaven, I'll have eternity for that. I'm living now, and the now is what matters to me today.
yes.. as above
It's not about credibility or consideration. It's about what tools we use to strengthen our spiritual selves. As a Christian I use the Bible. If the Bible never existed (including the other abrahamic documents) I would probably use some form of religious naturalism.But it would still be a tool to hone what I feel intuitively is true.
I've read it several times actually, along with several versions, and various other belief's holy books. I just see it differently than you.
I take it as some different people's erspecives on what they see as truth, and their observations of some events that happened with their own interpretations. I do not think (in fact I believe they had less) those who wrote the bible at the time had more knowledge than I of God, aside from a few exceptions.
which was written by men for men's gain.
And if your job was the only job in town, they'd be willfully choosing not to work at all. Hell would be not having a job i your scenario. I disagre with the analogy because of the qualifications portion.
God does have intent. His intent as our creator, is to see us evolve to a point where we chose right over wrong consistently (As would any father for his children). I don't think God wants his creations to destroy each other in wars, etc. unwavering + human rules = unjust typically, I agree. That was the whole purpose behind Jesus' visit and reinterpretation of those rules. I will just respectfully disagree with you that man's rules are more just than God's. A topic for another time I guess.
I don't try and get away with anything. You sure do have a lot of presuppositions and biases towards me. Maybe you should drop those in our next talk so we can just talk. It comes off as quite spiteful in some of your posts. Anyways absense of God. Hell, according to the bible, will be created for Satan and his minions. It's like God built a house for his nephew. He can visit, but he'd probably rather stay home.
Quote:Although I rarely if ever use humor in the more serious sections of the forums, and I appreciate your compliment. Feel free to get annoyed and disagree all you want, dissonance is the italian seasoning of life, as long as we can keep it civil that it. Have a great day
"There ought to be a term that would designate those who actually follow the teachings of Jesus, since the word 'Christian' has been largely divorced from those teachings, and so polluted by fundamentalists that it has come to connote their polar opposite: intolerance, vindictive hatred, and bigotry." -- Philip Stater, Huffington Post
always working on cleaning my windows- me regarding Johari
always working on cleaning my windows- me regarding Johari