Well, everything old is new again. I imagine neo-punk is coming from a completely different place than original punk. It was a reaction to the times and those times are over - I guess neo-punk is sort of sentimental. Joey, Johnny and Dee Dee Ramone have left their mortal coils and will not come again. You don't really have to be able to sing well to perform, but you're probably too young not to at least do your best (I had never heard rock and roll until I heard the Beatles and I'd never listened to Beethoven until I saw A Clockwork Orange - Now I can't live without them. We evolve.) When is your first gig? Let us know how it goes. Break a leg!
White.* The blank page.* The challenge:* Bring order to the whole - through design, composition, tone, form, symmetry, balance, light...and Harmony...