(i know this doesn't apply to ALL atheists, but it definitely applies to some. and it's the people that is DOES apply to that i want replying to me. so if it doesn't apply to you, or you can't give me an actual answer, please stay away)
Dear small portion of atheists,
Some of you say that you "won't let religion take over your life"
and yet, you continue to obsess over telling everyone how religion is wrong.
my question is, if you insist on talking about religion 24/7, would that not be letting religion consume a large portion of your life, therefore negating the code you live your whole life by?
please respond with the answer
Dear small portion of atheists,
Some of you say that you "won't let religion take over your life"
and yet, you continue to obsess over telling everyone how religion is wrong.
my question is, if you insist on talking about religion 24/7, would that not be letting religion consume a large portion of your life, therefore negating the code you live your whole life by?
please respond with the answer