(July 22, 2014 at 10:58 pm)alexwenzel Wrote: I have overwhelming amounts of proof for myself, and don't have to prove it to you. Im happy with what I know. Its a waste of time getting in an debate with you, it won't make a difference, because you have decided what YOU want to believe and you will make whatever effort necessary to keep believing what you want. Anything you read that pleases your sense is satisfactory to you. First go detox your brain to start using common sense... then you will find reality.
Again, considering how well you comprehend what you read, nothing you say can surprise me--dogs floating in the air, pixies, actual flying fucks, nothing.
Think instead of bahahahaing and you might discover something.
I suspect I know your bible rather better than you do, and common sense is not what is contained there in. Reality is found outside it.
If there is a god, I want to believe that there is a god. If there is not a god, I want to believe that there is no god.