Quote:By this I mean to say that the existance of unicorns is not on the same level of seriousness as the existance of God
How about replacing Unicorns with Zeus? No one seriously believes in any of the gods of the ancient Greek, Roman, Eyption etc... But they were major religions in their time. They wouldbe on the same level of seriousness as the Abrahamic god but absolutely no one believes in these religions anymore.
Also, you seem to argue that science has no absolutes, it's all just theories and hypothesis. There are many things that are yet to eb proven, yet there are things that have been absolutely proven. One example is the solar system. We know for an absolute fact that the earth goes around the sun and that daylight is not caused by Apollo's chariot. Religion seeks to explain what can't be explained, but everyday science makes strides in explaining it. Back when it was argued that the world was round no one wanted to believe it. Anyone would be foolish to believe it's flat now.
My point being that just because science hasn't proven something yet doesn't mean it can't as it gets more refined. I'm absolutely thrilled I live in a world that has such understanding of the world around us based on science.
As far as religious being so sensitive, it's because religion is not just their belief, it's part of someone's identity. Religion is more than just what you believe, but who you are in a community. Being an atheist is not so intricately weaved into culture so it's not so offensive to be challenged.
"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." Benjamin Franklin
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