Very, very close. The Bible is the objective description of what a valid expression of Christianity is and who a Christian is. So what does the Bible say about mere profession? Matthew 7:21-23 and James 2:19. There are some people right now, praying to God, doing works in His name, believing they are Christians, and believing in the one true God, that are not Christians.
You have to observe carefully when I say "God" and "god". "God" with a capital "g" is the divinity of Christianity. When I say "god" I am referring to a divinity that is present in any theistic religion you can name. Yehowah is a god, Allah is a god, Toth is a god, God is a god, and so on. Understood? Great, let us continue:
The Bible can be subjectively interpreted and thus leads us to many different Christian denominations. But there is one thing in common that all of these denominations have: they believe in God. And that is a objective description of what it takes to MINIMALLY be a Christian.
Maybe you heard this before, but the position of Christianity isn't necessarily a position of actions, it is a position of belief. Actions do not present us a "true" Christian. The belief does.
Very, very close. The Bible is the objective description of what a valid expression of Christianity is and who a Christian is. So what does the Bible say about mere profession? Matthew 7:21-23 and James 2:19. There are some people right now, praying to God, doing works in His name, believing they are Christians, and believing in the one true God, that are not Christians.
You have to observe carefully when I say "God" and "god". "God" with a capital "g" is the divinity of Christianity. When I say "god" I am referring to a divinity that is present in any theistic religion you can name. Yehowah is a god, Allah is a god, Toth is a god, God is a god, and so on. Understood? Great, let us continue:
The Bible can be subjectively interpreted and thus leads us to many different Christian denominations. But there is one thing in common that all of these denominations have: they believe in God. And that is a objective description of what it takes to MINIMALLY be a Christian.
Maybe you heard this before, but the position of Christianity isn't necessarily a position of actions, it is a position of belief. Actions do not present us a "true" Christian. The belief does.