Christians dont respect other religions. At least the fundamentalist and if you read the bible is that what you suppose to do. So why should athesits and sceptics respect christianity and the other three monotheistic religions?
I can respect Buddhism Hinduism(but not the discriminating part) shinto, konfucism, shamanism (native maerican, sami, Mongolian, african and so on) and others like them. Why them and not the monotheistic? because they are often more opened minded dont try to convert people and generally do they not come with ridiciolus claims that the theory of evolution is not right and so on.
I rather see a whole world being buddhists then a few that are monotheistic fundamentalists.
I can respect Buddhism Hinduism(but not the discriminating part) shinto, konfucism, shamanism (native maerican, sami, Mongolian, african and so on) and others like them. Why them and not the monotheistic? because they are often more opened minded dont try to convert people and generally do they not come with ridiciolus claims that the theory of evolution is not right and so on.
I rather see a whole world being buddhists then a few that are monotheistic fundamentalists.