Tomorrow, we're driving from Toledo to Des Moines. I'm stoked because we're stopping at the Ultraviolet Apocalypse in Munster, Indiana. If anyone is close-by and wants to join, we'll be there around about 1:30 PM.
You might want to eat a little fungus before you come Wrote:Around the corner -- easy to miss in the gloom -- is Memorial Chapel, a black light extravaganza of the archangel Gabriel and Jesus raising the dead. The sun is falling, hands are reaching up out of the ground, and yellow crosses race across the ceiling. It looks like something out of The Wall, or a scene from one of those anti-communist cartoons from the 1950s, with the skies filled with waves of Soviet bombers -- a metaphor that the friars obviously did not intend. The room is so dark that it takes several minutes to get your Apocalypse eyes, but it's worth it. The rocky walls are lined with bronze plaques, paid for by the families of the dead, which the official guide explains are "asking Christ to raise those people one day and to admit them to His company in a happy eternity."
You might want to eat a little fungus before you come
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.