Logical consistency (both internal and between the two texts)
Textual Criticism
Personal experience
More information on your question could be explored here namely post #21 to begin. The question is a bit different but there are some similarities in the content.
As I was considering your question, I was wondering if the question is answerable? In your proposition, 'given two texts, one authentic and one counterfeit', you ask: how do we know the counterfeit from the authentic? To answer this we would need a standard with which to measure the two against. The standard in this proposition would be the word of God, but that is the very item in question. How would you propose determining the standard itself? Let me ask this another way. I hand you two $1 bills, one is authentic and one is counterfeit. Given only those two bills, how would you determine which one is fake?
Textual Criticism
Personal experience
More information on your question could be explored here namely post #21 to begin. The question is a bit different but there are some similarities in the content.
As I was considering your question, I was wondering if the question is answerable? In your proposition, 'given two texts, one authentic and one counterfeit', you ask: how do we know the counterfeit from the authentic? To answer this we would need a standard with which to measure the two against. The standard in this proposition would be the word of God, but that is the very item in question. How would you propose determining the standard itself? Let me ask this another way. I hand you two $1 bills, one is authentic and one is counterfeit. Given only those two bills, how would you determine which one is fake?
If it could be proven beyond doubt that God exists...
and that He is the one spoken of in the Bible...
would you repent of your sins and place your faith in Jesus Christ?