I would also add that "you" go through many deaths as you grow and develop. Look back to when you were a child; are you the same person now as you were then? Sure, some aspects will be the same due to genetics (for instance, I have always been reserved) but your beliefs, memories, and much of your personality will be drastically different. These things can also be changed through "unnatural" means, like a blow to the head. I saw a discovery channel special once on a man who, after suffering a head injury, lost all emotions. All emotions ! He became apathetic toward his wife and child and he ended up living alone, an unfeeling and uncaring hermit.
Head injuries can also result in psychopathic behavior, the loss of memories, and distortion of perception. If all that you are can be lost by damaging and/or removing physical parts of the brain, then those physical parts are aspects of you. you will cease to be eventually, whether it's through death or through your brain changing into something new.
Head injuries can also result in psychopathic behavior, the loss of memories, and distortion of perception. If all that you are can be lost by damaging and/or removing physical parts of the brain, then those physical parts are aspects of you. you will cease to be eventually, whether it's through death or through your brain changing into something new.