(June 6, 2010 at 4:39 pm)Atheist_named_Christian Wrote: I think women are too - just differently. They tend to keep it secret, maybe because it's not well "received" by society to be promiscuous as a woman. On the other hand, men even notoriously exaggerate the number of sexual partners (most likely for the same reason).We very much keep it secret if we do this. Well, most of us who aren't telling people on the internet about promiscuous leanings like I do!!! Locker room style bragging can be fun, but it doesn't go over well if you're female quite often. I've known many men and women who like to talk about sex in fun ways including being open about being sexually active/promiscuous, but many still cling to outdated morals about it when the talk comes from a female.
Luckily I work in a mostly male large factory environment where I'm often accepted as one of the guys as far as behaving just as crude in language and discussion topics. It's very comfortable actually. Most gender expectations are missing and I like that. I think the other women there like it too for the most part. Gender problems are fairly far and few between, possibly less frequent than elsewhere (but that part's just my guess). [/hijack - synchronicity has brought up all this gender stuff lately everywhere I look on the internet - guess I still have tons to say on it blah blah...]
Back when thinking of myself as gay, I told people all the time, long after first coming out. Might have been a slight challenge to people, to see how they reacted and sort the bigots from the nice ones right off the bat. I pretty much wore it on tshirts. Ok, I DID sometimes wear it on tshirts.