(June 6, 2010 at 11:33 am)Dotard Wrote: 1.) Promiscuity.
Gay people will 'do' anything or anyone. This seems to be the reason (since I asked the last one who did this and received no answer, I feel compelled to go with my own conception, or misconception) lots of gay-folk feel the need to announce the sexual preferance at first introduction. "Hi my name is Gaylord and I'm Gay!" or "My name is Stroker and I am a gay/homosexual (fill in the blank)."
It's like when someone introduces themselves with a title such as "Hi my name is Dotard and I'm an air-conditioning technician." it's included in case you need some a/c repairs. Or "Hi! My name is Shister. I am a realitor." it's included just in case you are in the market for some reality services. "Hi my name is Shelby, I'm a writer." on the off chance you may be looking to pay a writer to have something written.
So when I hear "I'm Frank and I'm Gay". I'm hearing "I'm Frank and I'll suck your dick. Not that you're looking for a man to suck your dick, just throwing that out there."
Are all Gay people Promiscuous?
Short answer, no.
Long answer...oh where to begin.
Gays can be promiscuous, or not. They can be in long loving relationships, or not. Pretty much, gays enter into various relationships in various ways the same way straight people do. The only difference is the gender. Two of my female friends have been happily married for some time.
The whole "introducing as gay", well I've never personally run into that, but I suspect it has more to do with being honest than making a sexual pass. There is a concept known as privilege, certain groups of people have social privilege based on what characteristics they have that are concerned the social norms, or at least what is preferable. Privilege takes many forms, and are characteristic of prejudice. This doesn't mean that people unaware of the privilege are prejudiced. There's white privilege, male privilege, straight privilege, etc... Simply put, it describes the social phenomena you experience as a person depending on what privileges you have based on your gender, race, orientation, etc... That people who have the privilege may not necessarily notice but do take advantage of, and that people without privilege deal constantly with the disadvantages.
For instance, white people in the 60s never had to worry if a person would serve them at a lunch counter, black people do. That's white privilege. And even today, black people may face certain obstacles that aren't as blatantly racist but still there. How many movies have a black lead? How often do you look at a commercial and see your race represented?
Privilege refers to varying social issues, ranging from small to severe.
So, straight privilege? What does that mean? It really refers to Heteronormativity, where the heterosexual lifestyle is considered the norm, and therefore there are privileges that straights have, and disadvantages that gays have.
Here are a list of some things that are characteristic of straight privilege.
Here are a few relevant to this post:
Quote:11. When I talk about my heterosexuality in casual conversation, I will not be accused of pushing my sexual orientation onto others.
15. My individual behavior does not reflect on people who identify as heterosexual
17. People do not assume I am sexually experienced because of my sexual orientation.
20. People don’t assume I possess any mysterious means of identifying other heterosexuals (e.g., “straightdar”).
As I said, I don't experience the "Hi, my name is Joe, I'm gay" but I do have some gay friends, and I'm Bi myself, and while I don't know the details of their sex life none of them seem promiscuous to me, and I know I'm not. It may be possible that they just want to be honest. Maybe they don't want any misunderstandings, because unless you tell them, you will assume they're straight. Maybe they are interested and want to know where you stand, or maybe they just want people to understand who they are not hide it. If they have a boyfriend, they may want to be upfront so you're not met with any surprises.
Here is another article discussing gay privilege with links to real world examples.
Dotard, I understand that you're asking in earnest, so I did my best to give an honest and thoughtful answer. In the end, I just hope you no longer assume the us gays are promiscuous.
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