Is so. Gays get to enjoy gay sex... and that's a pretty damn good privilege in my opinion. Females get so many privileges that I am amazed you would even presume to make the argument that they are not privileged because of their sex. You cannot not be privileged... your existence itself is a privilege that you can be robbed of in an instant.
Quote:The privilege I am referring to here is a sociological phenomena that is well studied about what advantages certain groups of people receive as an accident of being born into the favored race, gender, etc....
Oh really now? And do these studies understand that there are many societies within "the big society" where these very people shunned by the larger society are given sometimes greater benefits than are enjoyed by most of "the big society"? Value is an individual concept, regardless of wether a society has influenced it. You might notice that in social settings, people usually try to 'hang with' those who are similar to them in apparent ways. Black people hang together... druggies hang together... drunkards hang together... asians hang together... socialists hang together... republicans hang together. Each of these groups is a society... and many of them will find much more favor with those of their type (black people society values black people more). There is no fucking "favored group", because wherever you look: there's a different favored group!
And before you get on me about "Oh, but they are SMALLER groups!", check out my next argument below.
Quote:It's no secret that white is the favored race, male the favored gender, and heterosexuality that favored sexuality and these groups gain benefits from society.
Well it's a fucking secret to me! What have the Chinese to say about that, I wonder? They have 1.338 billion people in their society! That is FOUR TIMES as large a population as we have! And what about India? They've 'only' about 150 million less than China! What would they say about this "Whites are more favored" idiocy? I think their 'usual' skin colors is argument enough.
Now that the minor tirade is over... white skin you claim to be "favored" by most people in the United States. I disagree again! If I'm an employer, and I see an unemployed Mexican trying to get a job with me... the first thing on my mind is, "Sweet! Cheap labour!" If I am manager of part of a company, and my boss gives us "black quotas"... I'm going to value those blacks more than other potential employees as a result of it. By the by... this happens to be a privilege sometimes enjoyed by both black people and females here (in the USA). Isn't that amazing? Also... I for one happen to be quite attracted to good looking black men... and I know I am not the only woman I've met who prefers men of non-caucasian skin colors... because I've asked. To summarize:
Summary: White skin might be favored among the primary political parties of the USA... but it is barely (if at all) favored any more than any other skin color on a macro scale in the united states (and especially the macro scale of Earth). I was mostly staying out of you two's (Dotard and Ely) argument... but your refusal to consider Dotard's argument is pulling me in... and frankly I'm more than half agreeing with Pippy in here.
Quote:That doesn't mean people who have those privileges are sitting pretty in their castle. Every individual has their own individual advantages and disadvantages, sure. I never argued against that.
Ely Wrote:No, there is no such thing as Gay privilege, female privilege, etc...
Dictionary said: "privilege |ˈpriv(ə)lij|
a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people"
Ergo: even if it was unintentional, that is what you were arguing. However, my next bunch of refutations are using your definition to show you why it is silly (as if you can't already see that from above? :Sleepy: )
Quote:But there is a sociological structure of privilege that promotes white, heterosexual men. If you think otherwise, then you're arguing against a well known and studied sociological concepts and historical fact.
Then apparently I'm arguing against a well known and studied sociological concepts and historical...
(Dare I say it? Yes I dare!) lies. Fact: It is not so well known that I know it, and I can demonstrate it as being otherwise on a larger scale
(as seen in my superfluous examples above, though I've barely begun if you don't believe me). Further, this "well studied sociological concept" absolutely falls apart
(as I demonstrated above, though as before, I've barely started) when you realize that excluding a small group of blacks in america because they are not the majority population is excluding every single one of America's views because they are not the majority population, which happens to be China and India.
You made the claim that there is no privilege (in the sense of your "social privilege" definition), and then you make this claim by excluding every group in America that is not the most populous. I am intransigent in doing so, because a society is not what most of it believe... but what
all of it believes. And it so happens that there are many social privileges (among all the other privileges) enjoyed by blacks, women, transvestites, gays, and farmers in the US that are not enjoyed by the "common" white-male jeans-wearing straight city dweller
(as demonstrated, and can be repeatedly demonstrated).