Just look around at the wonders of nature, the waterfalls, the animals, the delicte little flowers. It all shouts out that there was a creator.
We won't go into why the creator also made the malaria parasite, wasps that paralyse their prey so that their larvae can eat them alive, viruses, harmful bacteria, tsunamis and earthquakes.
That's probably Satan's work, or because of The Fall.
We won't go into why the creator also made the malaria parasite, wasps that paralyse their prey so that their larvae can eat them alive, viruses, harmful bacteria, tsunamis and earthquakes.
That's probably Satan's work, or because of The Fall.
'How can you say, "We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely? Jer 8:8
A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five. Groucho Marx
A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five. Groucho Marx