(May 19, 2010 at 6:43 pm)superstarr Wrote: I know that there's two testaments to the bible, the old and the new, and really, they are basically identical. They both contain information that cannot be proven, or is disproven due to science. Here's somethings I thought of about the old and new testaments:
According to the bible, the Earth is about 9000 years old, and that was told from biblical professionals.
-that's incredibly ridiculous since even the dinosaurs were alive further back than that, and you can't tell me that the dinosaurs weren't real. And the oldest rock we've found was proven to be 3.8 billion years old, and that's not even the age of the Earth.
According to the bible, the first two humans were Adam and Eve.
-that's impossible Biblical professionals have come to claim that they were alive 4004BC. Impossible because even the Clovis culture was real and alive back 11000 years, and so far, the oldest civilization we've discovered is about 27000 years old, so that disproves the 1st humans being adam and eve.
according to the new testament, jesus was god in some way, and if he is as perfect as many percieve him to be, then he doesn't tell lies.
-Wrong again, Jesus speaks about praying to god and that person praying will always get an answer from him. He's clearly lying since praying to god is just nonsense since you don't ever get an answer.
There's a lot more fallacies and contradictions with the two testaments, I'll try to come up with some more. Maybe some of you people can come up with some aswell, or even challenge them in some way.
i agree wholeheartedly!the Earth is a whole lot older than christianity would have us believe!
i think the story of adam and eve has been misinterpreted maybe for thousands of years! in my humble opinion this was just the jewish way of saying that 'as the Race has evolved there has always been a 'king and queen of the world'.they were maybe the first living 'monarchs' BUT i doubt it!i do not even believe in the biblical story of jesus' birth-i believe instead that jesus suffered from 'voices'(nowadays termed schizophrenia)and it was the voices that told him he was 'the messiah',that his father was in heaven,that he must lead the jews,etc etc...i had an identical illness back from 2000-2005.i even found my 'predecessor' in a psychiatry book written in 1947 by berne!messiahs are centennial!want to know more?go to my site-www.kingstuddos-thesunking.co.uk.
p.s. what happened to the greek perseus?could medusa have been a forerunner to mary of magdalin?was zeus' lightning bolt the SAME thing as the 'star of wonder'(i.e.sudden blindness caused by a bright light which seemed to descend on the messiah(and me!))?