Do You Think It's Getting Serious?
The couple's daughter was out on her second date with her young suitor.
Back at home, mom and pop were enjoying a quiet evening alone and watching a movie, while they waited for the budding lovers to return home.
Mom was seated on the couch and pop had stretched out with his head in her lap.
Mom was snacking on some peanuts, when one got away from her and dropped into her husband's ear.
It went deep.
As he was fiddling and trying to get the stuck peanut dislodged, the lovers returned and walked in on the situation.
After a quick synopsis, the young man had an idea.
He told the girl's father that he thought he could help. The man agreed to allow him to try.
The young fellow walked over and squeezed the man's nostrils shut tight with his fingers and told Pops to blow like he was trying to blow his nose - HARD.
The man complied, and the peanut came flying out!
Congratulations and kudos all around, some light conversation, and the young fellow bid them all a good night.
Later, in bed, the mother remarked how resourceful and clever the young suitor had been, and she asked her husband if he thought the relationship may be taking a more serious turn.
"I'll tell you what, sweetness. Next date, you get a peanut stuck in your ear, and after you smell his fingers, you tell me."
The couple's daughter was out on her second date with her young suitor.
Back at home, mom and pop were enjoying a quiet evening alone and watching a movie, while they waited for the budding lovers to return home.
Mom was seated on the couch and pop had stretched out with his head in her lap.
Mom was snacking on some peanuts, when one got away from her and dropped into her husband's ear.
It went deep.
As he was fiddling and trying to get the stuck peanut dislodged, the lovers returned and walked in on the situation.
After a quick synopsis, the young man had an idea.
He told the girl's father that he thought he could help. The man agreed to allow him to try.
The young fellow walked over and squeezed the man's nostrils shut tight with his fingers and told Pops to blow like he was trying to blow his nose - HARD.
The man complied, and the peanut came flying out!
Congratulations and kudos all around, some light conversation, and the young fellow bid them all a good night.
Later, in bed, the mother remarked how resourceful and clever the young suitor had been, and she asked her husband if he thought the relationship may be taking a more serious turn.
"I'll tell you what, sweetness. Next date, you get a peanut stuck in your ear, and after you smell his fingers, you tell me."