You may as well talk to a stone wall. This guy is a fucking asshole.
From Richard Carrier's 'On the Historicity of Jesus:'
From Richard Carrier's 'On the Historicity of Jesus:'
Quote:Jesus was born around the time of either Herod the Great's death (4 acE) or the Roman annexation of Judea (6 CE), then preached in Galilee and was crucified under Pontius Pilate (26-36 CE) during the reign of Emperor Tiberius (14-37 CE). Right? Well, we're not really sure. Because Christians weren't really sure. Some Christians bel ieved Jesus died during the reign of Emperor Claudius (41-54 cE). Others believed he was executed by a Herod, not Pilate. And still others were certain he was born and died in the reign of King Alexander Jannaeus (103-76 BeE). That's right. Some Christians believed Jesus had lived and died a hundred years earlier than our Gospels claim.
In the late fourth century the Christian scholar Epiphanius compiled an extensive dossier on all the 'heresies' he knew of, calling it the Panarion, 'Medicine Chest'. One of these 'heresies' he covers is that of the 'Nazorians', who were still practicing Jews; as Epiphanius says, these 'Nazorians confess that Christ Jesus is the Son of God, but all their customs are in accordance with the Law'. 1 This would mean a sect that descended directly from the original Christian sect founded by Peter, John and James (the 'pillars' of Galatians 2), before Paul's innovation eliminated Torah observance (Element 20). These Nazorians were still Torah observant, and still called themselves by their original name (Acts 24.5; Jerome, Letters 1 1 2.13), the name they held before the sects we are more familiar with came to be called Christians (Acts 1 1 .26).2
Epiphanius then says a curious thing: these Christians say Jesus had lived and died in the time of Alexander Jannaeus.
pg. 281