There is no evidence to support that Jesus the son of man existed, nor that any man executed by the Romans existed. Granted, absence of evidence, is not evidence of absence. I concede that a man could have existed with which the stories are based on, but nothing to lead me to believe he had supernatural powers and rose from the dead. Such claims would require extraordinary evidence, certainly not the suspect and contradictory accounts of people who wrote the gospels as early as 4 decades after Jesus died. You need merely consider how information gets lost and twisted over time. Historical records are based on hard archeological evidence and verifiable written records, especially first hand accounts, with which nothing exists in regards to Jesus.
Furthermore, an argument can be coherently made for the myth of Jesus in a heavenly realm that was then morphed into a historical account. The writings of Paul can support such an assessment, taken into account what we do know of early Christians and the faction that believed in Jesus the man, and Jesus the heavenly being. Obviously, Jesus the man won out. Add to that the extreme similarities between Jesus and other mythical figures, I believe, though do not claim absolute knowledge, that no such figure actual existed and Jesus is based on a myth.
Furthermore, an argument can be coherently made for the myth of Jesus in a heavenly realm that was then morphed into a historical account. The writings of Paul can support such an assessment, taken into account what we do know of early Christians and the faction that believed in Jesus the man, and Jesus the heavenly being. Obviously, Jesus the man won out. Add to that the extreme similarities between Jesus and other mythical figures, I believe, though do not claim absolute knowledge, that no such figure actual existed and Jesus is based on a myth.
"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." Benjamin Franklin
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