* face north
* chant the Microsoft lost packet soliloquy
* rub your crotchal area and your smart phone with lithium battery grease
* enter the prize code from the February 12, 2013 Wheel of Fortune (February 15, 2013 if east of the Rockies)
* allow several Smoot intervals, but no more than 37, for the data to recapitulate
* you should be able to do whatever it was you wanted now, but remember to wipe from the front from now on (if you're a guy) otherwise, you'll need the special barcode, and I don't have it right now.
* chant the Microsoft lost packet soliloquy
* rub your crotchal area and your smart phone with lithium battery grease
* enter the prize code from the February 12, 2013 Wheel of Fortune (February 15, 2013 if east of the Rockies)
* allow several Smoot intervals, but no more than 37, for the data to recapitulate
* you should be able to do whatever it was you wanted now, but remember to wipe from the front from now on (if you're a guy) otherwise, you'll need the special barcode, and I don't have it right now.