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Why so many "anti-feminists" in the atheist community?
RE: Why so many "anti-feminists" in the atheist community?
(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: Yes lighter sentences for women, something any equity feminist is against, but obviously your vast knowledge on the subject says otherwise.

If they were fighting for same sentences for crimes they'd be asking the judge for as much time as a man for the same crime, not whining that it's unfair that women get less time in jail..what the fuck? are you kidding me? that's a positive, not a negative.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: Really? Pulling out a personal insult and saying you no longer consider my position doesn't give you any credit.

Yes, you lose all credibility when you say 50% of the world population doesn't suffer oppression simply because of their gender. Something a true sexist and piece of shit would say.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: Also, it's hard to be oppressed, to be oppressed you need to have control over something, at least politics, social institutions, means of production, media, etc

Which women do, in many advanced societies...including and especially America.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: The vast majority are controlled by men, even if all women hated me or you, they wouldn't be able to oppress us, because the government wouldn't allow it (obviously), and because they don't control political institutions to suppress an entire group

How is that men's fault that women don't seem to pursue politics as much as men do? talk about being a white knight...

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: Again your ignorance on the subject and your insults to me are of no use. Feminists don't want benefits, they are against female privilege such as, but not only, child custody advantages, lighter sentences and better treatment for just being women.

They don't want benefits but will gladly exploit them to their desire. LOL, the claims of ignorance towards others when you wrote that out, wow. And if they didn't want benefits they would demand to be a part of the draft, demand that men get alimony as much as women, demand that men get custody of children as much as women, but they don't. You are the only one ignorant of the misandrist movement you're part of. And I love how feminists just ignore counter-points brought up to them, I bet if this was in the streets you would just yell into your megaphone at me.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: Obviously you're read so many blogs and literature that you can already claim feminists want all the benefits, if someone's brainwashed it must a certain typical male that spends too much time reading 9gag and tumblr posts insulting feminists that forget the benefits the movement has brought to everyone including men.

Obviously you like to make fallacious claims about people's positions that you don't know. Before this your dumbass was saying that I just mimic what Anti-feminists say like I have no mind of my own. Fuck you and your condescending attitude. I can make a broad generalization of you too, you're probably just a feminist to get women. Oh, was that a bad generalization of male feminists? a bunch of mangina's trying to get on some girls good side that they like.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: No, because feminists are against and repeal, criticize, not only male sexual assault in prison but also how society doesn't take male rape seriously. Dogmatic? No I'm critical, I stopped reading posts in 9gag insulting feminists and actually read a few articles by men and women who explain the problems, provide evidence and discuss topics without insulting the other part.

I love how you think you can just speak for the whole of feminism. Like there isn't this large portion of feminists that are incredibly dogmatic and misandrist in their ideologies. I don't think I could speak for the whole of people who disagree with feminism, so who the fuck are you to speak for all feminists, again, fuck you, speak for yourself. And again, you avoid the topic at hand, stud shaming doesn't exist? if slut shaming is so bad, then clearing stud shaming is just as bad, but the majority of feminists hardly ever condemn that. In fact, the popular feminists like Rebecca Watson will condemn female "objectification" but will go ahead and objectify men's private parts on her blog right after. You're just like her, hypocritical to the bone.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: This doesn't matter, what matters is that both can raise kids and there's no reason to not be equal on child support or custody laws

Then why don't men get alimony if there is some patriarchy against women? lol it's just patriarchy itself giving women advantages even though they are oppressed in western culture somehow? give me a fucking break.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: Just think about gay men, they can adopt right now in some countries like Holland and studies show kids grow up fine

Completely irrelevant to what has been said.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: This proves it's not women's exclusive feature to raise kids properly. And as I have already said, feminists are against those laws that benefit them

They give alimony to women as an advantage, how the fuck is that oppression, that's the courts trying to help women out who may have never worked in their life and had a husband pay for everything. If anything, feminists would probably support this as a whole because they support women over men and if women get free money from a man, it just disassembles the patriarchy a little bit more. If fairness was really in order the feminists would deny child support and alimony, but they don't.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: Simply because they're based on assumptions that women are weaker, or on very old fashioned values (i.e. Like the value that women are supposed to be providers people and the law still have)

It has nothing to do with weakness, get off your high horse.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: Again being rude to me is not evidence for anything, nor your lack of knowledge on feminism is, you're part of the reason feminists get no credit - Because as soon as one of them gives good arguments why something can be sexist a guy like you spits out something like "Oh shut up just enjoy it don't be a prick" and dismiss what people have to say.

I'm being rude because you're being an idiot. You're the one saying feminists reject benefits when they are the ones who are saying men are to blame for everything but you're going to say at the same time they deny free money from men? you're fucking delusional, people will decide based on what's best for their lifestyle. If a woman can get half of her ex husbands shit, she is more than likely to get a lawyer and fight for it, as well as alimony and child custody and child support. So again, shut the fuck up.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: Also seemingly throwing out a typical prejudiced statement of how women live with men's money doesn't aid your cause either. Just because something brings benefits it doesn't make it good, for example I have immigrants living with welfare money and it's a benefit, but I'm still against it because it's unfair, the same goes for child custody laws.

Ask the women who get the free money and benefits, 90% or more will tell you they are happier not having to work and raise their kids on their ex husbands dime. Why the fuck is it not a benefit, if I divorced my wife who worked full time, and got the kids and child support, that's not a benefit to me even though I wouldn't have to work or save up for retirement since I get free money? again, delusional. You're against welfare for the people who do the jobs you don't want to do like clean toilets? fuck you, you sound like a republican shill as well.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: If you had any intelligence, you'd know feminism is about equality for females, males, trans, people without gender and everyone. Your ignorance or disagreement doesn't change the definition, the fact you don't like it doesn't change the concept either.

That's an antiquated view on feminism from the early 20th century, that's no different than a theist saying to an atheist that a "theory" in science is just a guess when there are multiple definitions of words and the intrinsic value of words change over time as well. Where feminism used to be about equality, is now about female supremacy in the western world, because women are more than fucking equal in this culture.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: If you really think women aren't equal yet in the western world, you haven't been paying attention very closely or are trying to get in the pants of some feminist you like perhaps.

You reduced me down to my gender, which is something that feminism is supposedly against, but clearly isn't since it's clearly a movement for female supremacy instead of gender equality which is what the egalitarian movement is about, equality despite gender, not specifically catering to one gender like feminism. And if you deny that feminism is female oriented you're dumber than I thought.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: Actually unlike some people I'm not dictated by my sexual desires. Give me a break, if you are so worried about 3rd world why don't you do something about it? If we could all dump our trash the world would be better, improving first world problems helps third world because we influence those countries if we are better.

I'm not claiming to be part of a movement dedicated to women who does nothing about the women who are actually oppressed in the world and instead worrying about 1st world problems that aren't actually problems. And if you think feminism is dedicated to men as you're saying that men are never oppressed, you just proved my fucking point. Feminism is focused on women and not men, get over it, it's not a gender equal movement, Egalitarianism is, and feminists love to ignore that, as you did for the 100th time, you intellectually dishonest little shill.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: On the other hand, I don't think any of the main problems are hipster as you put it, but of course you have so vast knowledge on the subject that you don't even know which are.

Tell that to the hipster feminists all over tumblr who advocated #killallmen.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: The fact some people have it worse doesn't justify not solving the issue, i.e. We don't stop prosecuting assault because there's murder rights? The fact I've been paying too much attention is what drove me to this position

Including men, who are oppressed too, but I guess feminazis like you will never admit that.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: But obviously your opinion is that feminists want to rule the world

You think women wouldn't be drunk with power if they suddenly ran every branch of government like you claim it is in favor of men? Of course the feminists want power in the world and influence in popular culture, you delusional fuckwit.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: It's also funny that I've also provided some facts that can be freely discussed and you are yet to refute them, instead you just throw out bullshit about "women having advantages here and there" that feminists don't even like and dis-considering that the negatives are far worse than those small advantages.

I clearly have, but you clearly don't share the opinion that your worldview has been trounced, so be it. If men had all these advantages in the world, they wouldn't be disenfranchised at all, they wouldn't go to jail more, they wouldn't pay child support, they wouldn't pay alimony, think about it for a second. If men really ruled the world as a patriarchal system where they kept women down specifically, then it would still look like the dark ages.

(January 4, 2015 at 10:41 am)Blackout Wrote: You also point out obvious problems we men have and forget that feminists fight against them and any feminist blog or forum will confirm you that. Do some research before. Your dunning-Kruger effect is strong on this one, you sound like those people who talk to me (law student) and claim to know everything about law and when they start talking it's noticeable that they never studied and made their own conventional conceptions with little to no value

No they don't, where are the marches for men's rights? non-fucking-existent, get that through your thick fucking head, I don't even think you're really an idiot, I'm just annoyed by your stupid opinions, you're probably a reasonable person outside this one topic. The majority of feminists fight for female rights and female privileges and don't fight against advantages they have otherwise they would be abolished since feminism has quite a few people and heavy influence in society, I mean Anita Sarkisian got on the Colbert Report for being an inconsistent content provider on youtube who claims women are oppressed in video games. And they will say things like you as a white male can't comment on this because you are privileged, CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE!! and just like that they've reduced my opinions to nothing because of my gender and race, how completely racist and sexist. Ahhhh Feminism, refreshing.

(January 4, 2015 at 2:53 pm)Parkers Tan Wrote: I want to address this a little further. As a single, joint-custodial father, regular child support is in my interest because it is in my son's best interest to have a stable home whether he's at her house or mine that night. Child support is not enough for a woman with a child to live "scott free".

Why wouldn't it be in his best interest for him to go into your custody then? instead of supporting 3 people, you would only have to support 2, you and your son and not your free-loading ex-wife. You said it yourself later in this post, that the courts usually decide custody on who makes more (which is bullshit, they usually just side with women) then why didn't you get custody? just didn't fight to have your kids around? or you wanted to support your ex wife in raising your kids? either one is fine, just asking.

(January 4, 2015 at 2:53 pm)Parkers Tan Wrote: Raising a child is goddamned expensive, and it's only right that the noncustodial parent pay support.

So is supporting an adult who doesn't work and lives of alimony and child support. And no, it's not only right that one parent pay the other parent, the more financially responsible parent should get the children, and if more women are the ones getting alimony and child support that would correlate to most women not being the bread winners for the most part. If you were truly the one making more, you should have the kids, again, unless you are willing to just give your kids away to an ex-partner. (I wouldn't, I would fight for my kids custody, since I work).

(January 4, 2015 at 2:53 pm)Parkers Tan Wrote: I don't begrudge my support (our ruling gives me 42% custody, her 58%, and I pay support to cover the difference)

If you don't care then why doesn't she have to pay you? because she doesn't work or makes far less than you? how the fuck is that "fair" then? how the fuck is that egalitarian if the women are just taking advantage of the system by getting free money for just looking after kids all day which a day care could accomplish (just sayin').

(January 4, 2015 at 2:53 pm)Parkers Tan Wrote: because I know it's put to good use. If I thought it was being put to bad use, I would have every right to reopen the custody case with new evidence, and adjust the settlement accordingly -- just like any other noncustodial parent.

It'd be put to better use if she actually went out and got a job instead of living off free money and not advancing her career or retirement fund whatsoever. Your kids are better off with a freeloading mom, more power to you dude, that's your purgative, fine. But don't pretend like that is some good use to all single parents who get the custody of kids and don't have to work anymore afterwards. Women have ruined men because of alimony and child support, so cry me a river.

(January 4, 2015 at 2:53 pm)Parkers Tan Wrote: As for alimony, in many states that isn't paid man-to-woman, but higher earner-to-lower earner.

Well then I guess men make more money overall according to you, because for the most part the judges will side with the women and give them alimony and child support. And that's somehow fair to you, even though morons like Blackout will say that these advantages are unfair to women even though he propped your post. He's a hypocritical moron.

(January 4, 2015 at 2:53 pm)Parkers Tan Wrote: And finally, even though raising my son is hard work, there's no way I'd say it sucks, and I doubt I'm rare amongst parents in feeling that way.

What the fuck does this even mean? what does this have to do with what I said?
If the hypothetical idea of an afterlife means more to you than the objectively true reality we all share, then you deserve no respect.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Why so many "anti-feminists" in the atheist community? - by MJ the Skeptical - January 5, 2015 at 5:29 am
SPEEDBUMP - by Fidel_Castronaut - December 4, 2015 at 9:42 am

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