FOX is pure crap, but I'm gonna take the Devil's Advocate position here, and second what Napoléon wrote.
I've never lived in England, but I did live in Jerusalem, Israel for 7 years, and I've seen the downside of letting the religious fanatics have their way. There are large areas of Jerusalem where you cannot safely walk if you are not "modestly" dressed - long trousers or skirts, long sleeves for women. If you dare walk down the street in these neighborhoods wearing shorts, you will attract an angry mob very quickly. The police have had to rescue clueless tourists more than once. And if you drive past these neighborhoods on Saturday (sabbath), you risk having rocks thrown at your car. Theaters in Jerusalem no longer open on the Sabbath, because the ultra-orthodox have broken windows and torched those who dare to violate "God's day."
The problem is not Judaism, or Islam, or Hinduism, or Christianity. The problem is over-tolerant secular governments allowing religious fanatics to break the law in the name of "freedom of religion." In some ways we're lucky in the USA, because even though the religious idiots are a significant minority here, groups like the ACLU have been vigilant about refusing to allow them to run roughshod over the rest of us. European nations are right to welcome Muslims along with people of other faiths (and no faith), but they are dead wrong to allow de-facto Sharia law in heavily Muslim neighborhoods.
I've never lived in England, but I did live in Jerusalem, Israel for 7 years, and I've seen the downside of letting the religious fanatics have their way. There are large areas of Jerusalem where you cannot safely walk if you are not "modestly" dressed - long trousers or skirts, long sleeves for women. If you dare walk down the street in these neighborhoods wearing shorts, you will attract an angry mob very quickly. The police have had to rescue clueless tourists more than once. And if you drive past these neighborhoods on Saturday (sabbath), you risk having rocks thrown at your car. Theaters in Jerusalem no longer open on the Sabbath, because the ultra-orthodox have broken windows and torched those who dare to violate "God's day."
The problem is not Judaism, or Islam, or Hinduism, or Christianity. The problem is over-tolerant secular governments allowing religious fanatics to break the law in the name of "freedom of religion." In some ways we're lucky in the USA, because even though the religious idiots are a significant minority here, groups like the ACLU have been vigilant about refusing to allow them to run roughshod over the rest of us. European nations are right to welcome Muslims along with people of other faiths (and no faith), but they are dead wrong to allow de-facto Sharia law in heavily Muslim neighborhoods.